I burnt my cupcakes today.... Asked Holy Spirit if She had anything to say about them.
I got this reply.
"Do to much of the same thing and you'll dry up."
The cupcakes were in the oven for to long and they burnt.. They dried up. The same can happen to us. If we spend ALL our time focused on one thing we'll dry up.... Things'll go wrong.
If we spend all our time eating candy and watching netflix we'll become unhealthy, our teeth are likely to decay and we'll become over weight.
If we spend all day and all night working we'll miss seeing our children and families grow, we'll become frustrated with work and bitter.
If we spend all of our time spending money eventually we'll run out and find ourselves drowning in debt.
Shopping isn't wrong, working, eating candy, watching TV isn't wrong but I think it's healthy to, from time to time, sit back with Father God and evaluate our time. Ask Him "What could I be doing differently?" Listen and be obedient.
Being obedient to Him will never steer you wrong.
Let Him help you be a well baked cupcake.
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